2S2 is a regular meet-up where expats, and anyone, can get together, build and strengthen connections, learn about Korea and integrate in Korean society. We hope that 2S2 will help expats in Korea participate more meaningfully in the country we share with Korean natives, and that we can have a better experience of Korea by doing so.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Looking for more Organizers, and Ideas

I am very, very interested in getting 2S2 pockets set up in other locations, rather than just in Seoul. If you're living outside of Seoul, or even in a suburb that's pretty far from Insadong, don't complain that 2S2 is a good idea, but too far away: start your own pocket! Get in touch with me at roboseyo at gmail dot com, or send me a message on facebook, and I'll be thrilled to promote your meetup on the 2S2 community blog as well.

Also: I've heard a bunch of people say "I'd join 2S2, but I do this volunteering thing on second saturdays..."

Well please, please tell me about it: I WANT to know about the other stuff people are doing, so that we can join you! I want to hear about your club or group, so that I can spread the word about it on this blog, and elsewhere. Or if you have a really sweet apartment, and you'd like to host a movie day, let us know!


  1. I am considering starting up a Bundang / Yongin version. Don't know how ..new to here. A little nervous to become a leader.

    But let me think about it.

  2. You skydive in the nude? Summer time only I am hoping.

  3. Well, Saturdays I go to my Free Korean class near Sookmyung women's university station. I know this is not everyone's thing, but they have all levels, from 0 (beginner) to 4 (advanced). I don't know if you'd be interested in something like this, but if you are, here's the website: http://kongbubang.wordpress.com/ . It starts at 4 pm every Saturday. You can contact me at my blog if you want too.

    Anyway, I would be interested in coming by S2S when I come back to Korea in a few weeks. I'll keep following and try to join sometime!

    anyway, you can find me at my blog.. http://smileyjkl.blogspot.com/

  4. Thanks for the comments, Joy and Joanna. Joy: If you're nervous about it, I recommend finding a pal to do it together, as a tag-team.


